The CASE (Coating, Adhesives, Sealants, and Elastomers) industries are experiencing an evolution in new product formulations. The need for environmentally friendly products has never been higher. Consumers and businesses are demanding sustainable products and a reduction of environmental impact from the CASE industries.
CASE product formulators are challenged today to transition products from fossil fuel-based raw materials to renewable alternatives. Bio-based solvents can play a crucial role in making this shift possible. Many solvent-based traditional formulations cannot be replaced with alternative technologies due to poor product performance or application constraints. Bio-based solvents can aid the product formulator achieve the goal of providing a sustainable formulation with minimum impact on performance.
Key criteria for replacing petroleum-based solvents are compatibility with commonly used resins in current formulations. The selection of the proper bio-based solvent (or blend) can offer a sustainable solution and potentially offer a VOC reduction in specific formulations. An additional benefit of a bio-based solvent formulation can be a reduction in the overall carbon footprint for CASE companies.
Vertec BioSolvents, Inc. is an innovative manufacturer of sustainable, safe, bio-based green solvents and solvent blends derived from corn, soybeans, citrus and other renewable feedstocks. Our latest R&D efforts have demonstrated many commonly used solvent-based resins formulations can benefit from inclusion of bio-based green solvents.
Epoxy resins are used in coatings that demand exceptional chemical resistance in their applications. Epoxy resins are also used in adhesive and sealant formulations (generally a 2-part system), sometimes referred to as the hardener part of the system. Petroleum-based solvents have traditionally been used to dissolve / solvate epoxy resins. The use of bio-based solvents to replace them can lead to a greater sustainable formula and potentially lower the VOC of the product.
Below are examples of Vertec BioSolvents products compatibility and viscosity behavior with a typical epoxy resin.
As illustrated above the proper selection of a bio-based solvent to dissolve / solvate the specific epoxy resin and produce a suitable viscosity is critical to a successful formulation. Once the bio-based solvent has been identified, it may be possible to increase the coating solids due to the lower viscosity bio-based solvent / epoxy resin solution.
Contact us today to purchase or find out more about VertecBio™ ELSOL® KTR1, VertecBio™ PolySolv TR, and VertecBio™ ELSOL® XR!
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