Written by: Vertec BioSolvents
Artists, builders, and industrial workers have long used resin as a production and building material because of its versatility and strength. As concerns about climate change and environmental protection have grown, people have reevaluated the use, formulation, and production of resin, specifically the synthetic variety. In this article, you'll learn how different types of resin affect the environment and the advantages of using eco-friendly resins, including those made with green solvents rather than petroleum.
Resin is a thick substance that can be natural or synthetic. Natural resins develop in plants and animals, while synthetic resin is human-made. Synthetic resin is popular for use in a variety of industries and applications, including:
One reason resin is common for these purposes is that it begins as a liquid but cures and solidifies into a plastic-like material. This transformation from a liquid to a solid structure makes resin an easy-to-use option when creating artwork, furniture, flooring, countertops, and other objects.
Natural resins are biodegradable and eco-friendly, but the same can't be said for their synthetic counterparts. They're typically made from petroleum-based materials and can harm the environment in multiple ways.
First, because these resins come from fossil fuels, they can release polluting toxins and chemicals during production. Resin production releases volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and greenhouse gasses into the environment, resulting in increased air pollution and contributing to climate change. According to a recent study, resin production creates a significant amount of greenhouse gas emissions, hastening the climate crisis and underscoring the need for a more sustainable supply chain.
Traditional synthetic resins also aren't biodegradable, which makes disposal a challenge. Incinerating them creates toxic chemicals while placing them in landfills can affect the water and air over time.
The environmental effects of synthetic resins haven't gone unnoticed. In response, labs and manufacturing companies have sought greener options.
Epoxy resins have to be especially strong and durable because they're often used as adhesives. While synthetic resins can achieve this goal, they aren't the cleanest or most sustainable solution.
Bio-based epoxy resins contain plant-based rather than petroleum-based solvents. They're usually made from agricultural byproducts, such as plant oils and starches. Because they come from renewable resources, they're a much more sustainable alternative to synthetic resins, while still offering the necessary strength to create durable products. Many of Vertec's bio-based solvents are compatible with resin formulations.
Water-based resins also contain fewer toxic chemicals and solvents than typical synthetic resins. As the name suggests, they have water rather than petroleum-based solvents as their carrying medium. The use of water means that these resins are much less toxic and flammable, with fewer VOC emissions.
The most common uses for water-based resins are coatings and adhesives. However, they often can't match the level of durability that standard solvent-based resins offer. As a result, it's important to carefully consider your specific needs and expectations before using them.
Sometimes called bio-resins, plant-based resins include materials such as soybeans, castor bean oil, sugarcane, and corn. They're a renewable, sustainable, and cleaner choice compared to petroleum-based resins. They also have a less noticeable smell and lower toxicity levels, making them more pleasant to use.
If you're looking for a resin that will cure quickly without releasing a lot of VOCs, UV-curable resins may be a good fit. After applying these resins, you cure them using UV light. They're common in industrial settings and are useful for sealing, bonding, and coating. Some UV-curable resins are more eco-friendly than others, so look carefully at the product details if you're concerned about environmental impacts.
The most obvious advantage of using an eco-friendly resin is that it has a smaller carbon footprint and is less likely to harm the environment. Using renewable resources to produce resins lessens the demand for fossil fuels, which play a major part in worsening climate change.
Using an environmentally friendly resin also creates a safer work environment. Due to their lower VOC content, eco-friendly resins cause fewer breathing and health problems for workers, particularly those in enclosed spaces.
While resin alternatives have significant benefits, selecting and using them requires careful planning. They often have different curing times compared to traditional resins, which could cause delays in your application. Additionally, some eco-friendly resins are better suited to certain applications, so it's important to carefully review the product information before committing to them.
You can use eco-friendly resins for many of the same applications as synthetic resins. They're especially beneficial if you're working in a small space or an area with limited ventilation. In these cases, a resin with a lower VOC count is usually safer than a petroleum-based option.
Your decision to use an environmentally friendly resin may also come from a desire to achieve greater sustainability, minimize pollution, and support the fight against climate change. Artists, manufacturers, builders, and other professionals can take a more responsible approach to the environment by using resin alternatives.
Eco-friendly resins can work in essentially the same way as traditional, petroleum-based resins. However, the effectiveness depends on the application and whether it aligns with the intended use.
Sustainable resins become increasingly effective with ongoing research and development, but it's still crucial to evaluate whether it's an appropriate choice for your needs. Before you select your resin, think carefully about key aspects of your application, including the curing time, strength and durability, clarity, and color that you need to achieve.
Replacing typical resins and industrial solvents with bio-based alternatives is an important step in the path toward a more sustainable future. Our BioSolvent products are safe and derived from renewable resources. They're also appropriate for a wide variety of industries and applications, including resin formulations. Contact Vertec to learn more or request a free sample.
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