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Working Safely with Solvents: A Guide

December 3, 2021
working safely with solvents

Within things like paint, cleaners, adhesives, ink, and coatings are liquid chemicals known as solvents, which are used to thin or dissolve these materials. While some solvents can typically be handled safely, prolonged exposure or improper contact can potentially be hazardous. Since likely every household and workplace hold at least one item containing solvents, many don’t think about the risks that can occur from consistent proximity, when it should be a priority on everyone’s minds. Beyond the concern about health issues, solvents also endanger the environment if handled incorrectly. Improper storage or recycling of solvent products impacts the workspace, human health, and the planet.

Luckily, if you know the dangers of solvents, how to properly handle working them, and how to avoid the dangers altogether by working with environmentally friendly alternatives, you can create a workspace devoid of any health or environmental risks. In this article we will cover the health and safety risks of solvents and what you need to know about safer alternatives in order to continue working safely with solvents in your products.

Dangers of Working with Solvents

Solvent exposure is one of the most common chemical health risks at the workplace. Solvents are incredibly flammable and combustible and should always be stored and handled with care. Because of their volatile nature, anything that could be considered an ignition source, such as smoke or sparks from welding, should be kept away from solvents and the vapors that are produced from them.

If not using safer less-toxic solvent substitutes, you should be aware of any potential danger of working with petrochemical solvents. Often the most concerning effect of prolonged solvent exposure is not realizing the adverse health effects until the damage has already been done. We list a few adverse effects of solvent exposure, especially when handled improperly, below.

  • Contact with the skin will cause dryness and cracking. This may lead to skin disorders, most commonly dermatitis. Take extra care with contact with the skin, as some solvents can possibly penetrate the skin and enter blood circulation.
  • Inhaling solvents will cause burning in the nose, throat, and lungs.
  • Swallowing or ingesting solvents will burn the throat and affect the digestive system.
  • Prolonged exposure to solvents will have overall negative health effects, mainly on the respiratory system, but also on the nervous system, reproductive system, and the kidneys.

Consider Alternatives!

Fortunately, it is not necessary to use harmful petrochemical solvents, as plenty of safe bio-based solvent options exist. When you take inventory of the solvents you work with or are found in the workplace, consider starting with the most serious risks and substitute it with something less hazardous if possible.

Using only renewable ingredients, non-toxic solvents such as VertecBio™ EL Ethyl Lactate are both environmentally friendly and safer for use in all kinds of paints, coatings, and inks. Vertec uses environmentally safe alternatives made with corn, soy, citrus fruits, and other bio-feedstocks, meaning less risks to employee health and little, if any, damage to the environment.

What to Know When Using Solvents

If a safer bio solvent option cannot be substituted, just know to take extra precautions to avoid some of the health risks mentioned above. We provide some examples of safety measures that should be implemented to assure the risks are kept to a minimum.

Safety Measures

  • Use personal protective equipment such as gloves, eye protection, boots, or any other barriers when working with solvents. Make sure all necessary equipment is provided by an employer if in the workplace.
  • Make sure the room is properly ventilated, especially if the workspace is small. Solvents often get into the air through emitted vapors, ventilation is needed to help with air circulation.
  • Be informed on what type of solvent you’re working with. Familiarize yourself with any safety information and safe handling procedures included.
  • Be extra cautious with flammable solvents and keep fire extinguishers readily accessible in any areas which these solvents are used or stored.
  • Train employees on what to do if a spill occurs or an emergency happens.
  • Of course, use a safer bio-based solvent alternative whenever possible, so a lot of these additional safety measures can be avoided in the first place.

Environmental Concerns

With more requirements and regulations set forth by the government, sometimes a greener solution is needed. Many solvents harm the air, soil, and water, both from the vapors they give off and from decomposition. Solvents do add carbon to the environment, but bio-based solvent carbon comes through photosynthesis, ultimately reducing the carbon footprint from petroleum-based solvents.

The growing demand for safe products from consumers has caused a shift in the supply to focus on environmentally and health-safe products. Using bio solvents means there is low vapor pressure, carbon neutrality, no environmentally hazardous ingredients, and one hundred percent biodegradable materials. Using bio solvents for your products will appeal to your consumers while contributing to a healthier environment.

VertecBio™: Solvents with a Focus on Sustainability and Performance

At Vertec, we are fully committed to sustainable solvent technology, creating products which are designed to not only be safer than their petrochemical counterparts, but also even more effective. We believe that “environmentally friendly” and “high performing” need not be mutually exclusive, and we’re seeking to revolutionize the industry with every ethyl lactate, d-limonene, soy methyl ester, or ethanol bio-based formulated product we develop!

If you need a safer, more effective solution for your solvent needs, Vertec’s Bio-Based Solvents are the answer. Contact our team today for more information on which product will be best for your application.

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